这位Mrs. Omega Pinnock有双侧输卵管堵塞,在2014年2月份得知妇炎丸信息,然而那时候是我们的春节期间,没有过多的和这位夫人详谈。年后我们再次联系上,由于这位夫人的弟弟方便带药,于是通过这个“第三者”,夫人开始服用妇炎丸。
然而就是三个疗程服用后,Mrs. Omega Pinnock发现自己的月经迟迟未来。在我们的建议下去医院验孕,经检查已经怀孕,但是出现少量的分泌物,好在后期打针解决了孕酮低的问题。现如今,这位夫人特意写来感谢信,我们截图如下:
Dear Dr.Lee,
yes,there's improvement compared to the first HSG TEST.Inhe first test, none of the tubes was showing, but now the both tubes are now showing, and the right tube is partially open, while the left is not.
Mrs. Omega Pinnock.
是的,跟第一次的输卵管造影结果比起来,是有进步的。 第一次的输卵管造影中,两个输卵管都不能显影。但是,现在,两个输卵管都有显影。其中右边的输卵管已经部分通畅, 但是左边的就差一些。
Dear Dr. Lee,
I thank you for all your efforts and concern.
Nevertheless, I hope you remember that I was the one charting with you early today, that told you that I am already pregnant.
And if you can recall, we started this whole issued in February, wherein I couldn't get the medication across early enough, as a result of the two weeks public holiday that you were embarking upon in China. But you remember how I paid for the fuyan pill through a brother of mine who was in China, whom l introduced to you, so that you had to send the fuyan pill to him to give to someone who was coming back to Nigeria, and that's how it finally got to me.
?And on arrival of the medication, I started taking it as directed immediately from month one to the 3rd month; after which I went for HSG TEST and forwarded the result to you. And then I remember you suggesting I continue with the medication. But sincerely, I had sent for another herbal medication from the United States, before I realized that my mensis which was supposed to come on the 10th of October did not show up. For that reason, I went for a pregnancy test, and to the glory of God, I got a POSITIVE RESULT. But just after the pregnancy test and confirmation, I started spotting blood, and then some brownish discharge, for which I went to the doctor, and I was given some injections and drugs.
But the summary of it all is that "? AM PREGNANT AND APPROACHING MY 3RD MONTH BY JANUARY - 2015, and the pregnancy is progressing stably - although once in a while, I still see the brownish discharge.?
So, I wish to use this medium to say that - THE FUYAN PILLS WORKED! And CONGRATULATIONS for this great breakthrough in your herbal research work.
Thanks and God bless you!
Furthermore, I want to know from you if you have any medication that will normalize and restore a menstrual cycle that just stopped without any pregnancy? Please, I am waiting for your response.? And as many as may be in need of fuyan here, I'll have to contact you for the purchase, and don't forget that I am still interested in partnering with you for the distribution of fuyan pills in Nigeria.?
?So, keep up the good work and remain blessed.
希望您还记得我。 今天早上的时候我还通过一个在线聊天软件告诉您好怀孕了。并且,如果您还记得的话, 我们是从2月份开始联系的。由于春节期间你们有接近两周的假期,所有在二月份,并没有足够的时间来提前了解妇炎丸。
拿到药之后我就开始吃药了。吃完3个月的药之后,我就做了一个输卵管造影术,并且告诉您了结果。 然后我记得您建议我继续吃药,但是老实说,在我意识到本来应该10月10号左右应该到来的月经没有来之前,有朋友从美国给我寄了另外一种药。因为这个原因,我做了孕检,谢天谢地,我怀孕了。但是,在确认怀孕之后,我发现有少量血点,并且伴随着褐色分泌物。 后来我去看了医生,然后医生给我打了针,并开了一些药。
总之,我怀孕了并且到2015年一月的时候就该3个月了。 现在一切都很正常,尽管有时候,还是还有褐色的分泌物。
因此,我想说,妇炎丸效果很好。 并且恭喜您在草药研究方面获得了巨大的突破。 谢谢您。 愿上帝保佑您。
另外,不知道您那边有没有什么中药可以调经并且恢复月经(不是因为怀孕导致的)的? 请尽早回复。期待您的回信。在尼日利亚,有很多人都特别需要妇炎丸。 我还会继续跟您联系的如果我需要购买您的妇炎丸的话。 最后,愿工作开心,一切幸福。